There is no information on the All Hit Deals website indicating who owns or runs the business. A company address in India however is provided, indicating All Hit Deals is operating out of New Delhi.
The company domain ‘’ was registered on the 20th November 2011 and lists a ‘Tapas Rai’ as the owner. An address matching the one listed on the All Hit Deals website is also provided.
Who Tapas Rai is and what his connection to All Hit Deals is however is unclear.
Read on for a full review of the All Hit Deals MLM business opportunity.

The All Hit Deals Product Line

The idea behind is that we do all the hard work, and what you get is simply a bunch of the best of the deals on the internet at one single place.
With this, you don’t have to worry about anytihng (sic), you don’t have to put in hours and hours of research because all of this is done by us! Simply log in and enjoy all the best deals from all over the internet, which our team has hunted down for you.
With the above in mind, All Hit Deals don’t themselves have any retailable products or services. Instead the company markets the products of third-party “esteemed vendors”, who then handle all product sales.
The only thing marketable and able to be purchased directly from All Hit Deals is company membership.

The All Hit Deals Compensation Plan

The All Hit Deals compensation plan revolves around the generation of points. The company however does not specify how much money a single point is worth.

Free Users
Free All Hit Deals users join the company for free and earn points for
  • viewing daily deals (0.25 – 2 points per deal viewed)
  • recruiting new All Hit Deals members (5 points for the first 2 members and then 1 point each for the next 10)

Pro Users
Pro All Hit Deals users join the company for 7000 INR ($126 USD) and earn points for
  • logging into their account (50 points randomly awarded up to 3 times a week)
  • viewing daily deals (7-15 points per deal viewed, minimum 11 deals per day to be viewed guaranteed)
  • recruiting new Pro users (700 points per new member recruited)

Pro users also earn points using a binary compensation structure. A binary compensation structure places you at the top with two membership positions directly below you.
These two membership positions form the start of your two binary teams and in turn branch out into two new positions each:

All Hit Deals pay out points based on the number of new pairs found daily in both your left and right binary teams. One pair is defined as one new member from your left binary team and one new member from your right binary team.
For each new pair found, All Hit Deals pays out 700 points.

Joining All Hit Deals

As per the compensation plan, there are two membership options for those wishing to join All Hit Deals, free membership and Pro membership.
Pro membership to All Hit Deals costs 7000 INR annually ($126 USD).


Despite passing themselves off as a ‘deal aggregator’, the reality of All Hit Deals is that the daily deals offered have nothing to do with how members get paid.
With the daily deals amounting to little more than third-party offers (of which no doubt All Hit Deals get a cut off through various affiliate programs they sign up under a master account), points in All Hit Deals are instead generated by the mere viewing of deals and recruitment of others.
As far as Pro membership goes, I can’t see any reason to charge members to simply view daily deals unless that money is being used to pay incentive commissions to get your members to bring on board new paying members.
This pretty much seems to be the case with All Hit Deals and therefore would mean it’s primarily a pyramid scheme.
Additionally this little blurb on the All Hit Deals “about us” page caught my attention: is a venture by E-Fame Adsense Pvt. Ltd. E-Fame Adsense Pvt. Ltd. is already an established name in the field of brand consultancy.
Promoted by a group of progressive individuals with an extensive experience in the core field of advertising and marketing, the company boasts of an elite advisor panel also.
Quite obviously ‘E-Fame Adsense Pvt. Ltd.” is an attempt to pass themselves off as being linked to Google, indicating that there’s something not all is legit behind the scenes of All Hit Deals.
One of the emerging trends of scams originating and targeting India has been to align themselves with well-known and established brands, in order to pass themselves off as legitimate. The most infamous of these being Royal Ekutir (Royal JobDesk), who, according to member complaints, seem to have gone bust in early 2012.
Royal Ekutir sough to associate themselves with Indian car manufacturer Tata and Google (Google is a popular target for Indian scammers to associate themselves with).
Ultimately when All Hit Deal members run out of new members to recruit the entire company collapses. I’ve no doubt the affiliate deals the company earns off are at least in some way legit, but the problem here is the pyramid scheme business model that All Hit Deals have attached to them.